Far traveled from the big city and suddenly landed with us in the mountains, is our mascot Donki. Actually, he wanted to go to the sea but as luck would have it, he had to stop at our place and stayed the same.
Donki has been having many adventures since then: he visits the waterfalls and mountain lakes, forests and meadows and lately he even learns to ski.
All kids will receive an exciting Donki-Pixistory on their pillow upon arrival, older kids will also get our adventure magazine! Be excited!
Several times a week our Donki dances together with the children in the Donki Club.
! NEW ! NEW ! NEW !
Donki audio book "How Donki came to the Bliem family".
Our popular Donki Pixie book "How Donki came to the Bliem family" is now available as an audio book for download on most popular streaming platforms. Our nanny Petra Huber, together with her partner Daniel Reisinger, has created this very professional audio book. With loving attention to detail and a lot of heart and soul of the two, a small idea has become a big one.
But how did it come about in the first place? The two long had the dream of making a joint audio book for children. Daniel is a musicologist, trained sound engineer and passionate musician. Before joining the Donki Club, Petra was an actress and cabaret artist for many years, an outdoor educator and worked on many great children's projects. Together they are loving parents of their young son. What definitely unites the two is their attention to detail and their unparalleled motivation for doing the things they enjoy.
So, right at the beginning of Petra's professional activity at our hotel, the two came to Katharina Bliem with the idea of making an audio book out of the Pixie books. After a very short planning phase, they went straight into the realization. Georg Bliem was chosen as the narrator and Daniel showed up with all his sound equipment. After only a few hours, the text was ready. But now the real work began for the two of them. All background noises were perfectly tuned, Petra perfected her Donki voice and Daniel recorded - completely surprising for all of us - a great theme song. The highlight: Besides the vocals, he also played all the instruments himself and created a real catchy tune. More information about Daniel and his talents and experiences can be found here: Daniel Reisinger,
We are very happy that our first joint project is now available for download on all major platforms and look forward to many more projects with Petra and Daniel!